Have you heard about BizzCardz? It's an innovative 'contact mining' solution, a 'business card' that's much more than that, developed by a talented team from Mons and Liège! This 100% Walloon application is committed to working closely with local businesses and professionals, to promote a solid, sustainable economy in Wallonia.
A fully-customisable dematerialised card, linked to your CRM and/or ERP, ultra-secure, and GDPR-compliant.
The choice of authenticity and proximity
BizzCardz is all about a passion for technology and entrepreneurship. Its founders, aware of the potential of their region, decided to highlight their pride in being Walloon and to develop an innovative solution to meet the needs of local businesses.
By choosing to work exclusively with Walloon partners, BizzCardz aims to create a dynamic, interconnected business ecosystem, enabling companies in the region to grow and evolve together.
The benefits of proximity for customers
Proximity is a real asset for BizzCardz customers. By working with a local company, customers benefit from a personalised, responsive service. The BizzCardz team is always available to answer customers' specific questions and needs, with a keen sense of customer satisfaction.
What's more, by supporting a Walloon company, customers actively participate in the economic development of their region. They thereby contribute to local job creation and local prosperity.
A lasting partnership with Walloon companies
BizzCardz is committed to developing long-lasting, solid relationships with Walloon companies. To achieve this, the application strives to provide features and services tailored to the constantly evolving needs of its customers.
Through its active involvement in the local economy, BizzCardz aims to play a key role in the success of local businesses. Moreover, the BizzCardz team strongly encourages its customers to share their success stories and experiences, in order to create a genuine community of committed Walloon entrepreneurs.
BizzCardz is a 'contact mining' solution, a term coined by its creators, emphasising proximity and authenticity. It provides numerous advantages for Walloon companies, both in terms of service and the economic impact on the region.
So go ahead and support BizzCardz, a company proud of its roots and its commitment to Wallonia!
Visit BizzCardz at www.bizzcardz.eu/en/