Belgium has one of the most modern and efficient healthcare networks in the world.
Medical insurance
In Belgium, health insurance is compulsory for both employees and freelancers. Thanks to this system, healthcare services are virtually free and offer a high level of quality.
It is also compulsory join a mutual insurance fund of your choice which will guarantee reimbursement (partial or total depending on the type of service) of the cost of medical care and the purchase of certain medications.
Finding a doctor
In Wallonia, you are free to select your own doctor as well as your healthcare providers (physiotherapists, nurses, hospital establishments). Finding a hospital
There are different types of hospital: public hospitals, private hospitals, university clinics and polyclinic. The public and private hospitals (some of which have university status) work with teams of doctors with a very wide range of specialisms.
Other useful links:
In Belgium, you can dial 112 free of charge day or night to call the fire brigade or an ambulance.
Finding an emergency pharmacy near you.
More information about healthcare and what it costs in Belgium.