To mark the 30th anniversary of the company SPACEBEL, let's take a look at this Belgian SME which was founded in Liège and is now an internationally recognised supplier of space systems and software.
SPACEBEL, founded in 1988, specialises in space systems and software engineering, and now has more than 100 employees working at its different sites in Liège, Brussels, Toulouse and Warsaw. Over time, the company has forged an established reputation in its specialist sector. To date, the company has contributed to the success of more than 40 space missions whose aim is to gain a better understanding of Earth and the universe. These include Proba-1, the first fully Belgian Earth-observing microsatellite, which is now the oldest satellite of the European Space Agency (ESA) still in operation.
SPACEBEL is also grateful to be based in Belgium, as our country plays a significant role in the space sector in Europe, contributing more than 200 million euros to the European Space Agency. It is the largest of the small countries in this sector. SPACEBEL also has employees abroad, mainly on sites in France and Poland that allow the company to strengthen its position on the European market.
Last year, the company achieved a turnover of 12 million euros, 95% of which was exclusively on the export market. But SPACEBEL's success story does not end there. The Liège SME has set itself the goal of continuing to boost its renovation and growth work in two key areas, firstly the observation of Earth, and thus space applications, and secondly the integration of satellite equipment, with the creation of a 500 m² complex of ISO 5 and ISO 7 rooms that meet space sector standards. It is also working to extend and redevelop its headquarters in Liège, with a view to giving its employees a better working environment and providing the best possible conditions for the new recruits it will be hiring in order to manage growth.
SPACEBEL is therefore continuing its journey in Space with pride and enthusiasm...
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