Facing the worldwide sanitary crisis, the consolidation of an OPEN research and innovation approach is fundamental. The research institutions of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation got the message and are mobilizing at a fast pace. The Scientific Liaison Officers of WBI intend to play their role as well, connecting and facilitating international technological partnerships related to COVID-19.
An international health crisis
COVID-19 is essentially a human and health crisis calling for international solidarity.
As stated by the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, « the actual national answers will not meet the global scale and level of complexity of the crisis » which is why we need « a political coordinated action, determinant and innovative from the world’s main economical players”, while a “global recession – maybe of unpreceded dimension - is almost a certainty » - (Link)
International research as a key factor in the management of the crisis
In the frame of the COVID-19 crisis, the international research and innovation collaborations play an essential role: the universities are mobilized and the inter-university and industry collaborations intensify. Today more than ever, the Scientific Liaison Officers from Wallonie-Bruxelles International (WBI), in collaboration with WBI’s other international networks (Delegate Generals, Trade Commissioners from AWEX, Academic & Cultural Liaison Officers are at the service of the Wallonia and Brussels research players to disseminate internationally the scientific discoveries and technological offers developed to counter the crisis.
The Wallonia-Brussels Federation scientific expertise recognized worldwide
The reputation of Wallonia-Brussels universities is established and the examples below show the capacity of the institutions to mobilize their efforts and resources to face an urgent and major crisis. Here are some examples :
- Université de Liège : Researchers from ULiège are working tirelessly to develop a new automated test method https://bit.ly/2Jg9HaC
- Université libre de Bruxelles - ULiège : A 15min Belgian test receives a certification https://bit.ly/3aoskoB
- Université de Namur : A new technique to diagnose Covid-19 https://bit.ly/3aoVx2Y
- UCLouvain - Université catholique de Louvain : A prototype of a simplified respirator was successfully tested https://bit.ly/3dAC4y8
- UMONS Recherche & Innovation : A first Covid-19 screening platform operational for the benefit of Hainaut https://bit.ly/2Jibo7k
Information & Intelligence from abroad
In addition and in a proactive stance, the Scientific Liaison Officers will scout and identify initiatives, innovations and discoveries happening wherever WBI has a foothold abroad. That type of information is deemed essential for the Wallonia-Brussels research organizations and feed the common fight against COVID-19.
Within this context, be aware that BioWin, The Health Cluster of Wallonia, has set up an international interactive platform COVID 19. The main goals are fostering interaction between industrial, academic players and other contributors and consolidating critical masses around 6 themes in order to catalyse and strengthen project development:
- The manufacturing, supply and recycling of masks and individual protections for companies
- The development and repair of ventilators
- The development and manufacturing of hydroalcoholic gels
- The development and manufacturing of new diagnostic approaches
- The development of new treatments
- The new sources of funding
- Others
This platform is open until June, 30. The deadline can be postponed if necessary.
Do not hesitate to reach our Scientific Liaison Officers to publicize your technologies or for any support and further information about potential collaborations in their respective countries (Brazil, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and USA)
CONTACT : Click here